Robot Computer Vision System

Object and color identification system made for SLRC 2024

Sri Lanka Robotics Challenge 2024

One of the tasks of SLRC 2024 is for the robot to identify whether the object at the center of a ring is a cube or a cylinder. We tackled this task using computer vision. We experimented with the two approaches mentioned below.

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Object Detection

Training a Deep Learning model using Tensorflow

The robot includes a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B which runs a tensorflow model to inference. The video feed taken using a webcam is used for object classification. The deep learning model is trained using MobileNetV1 as the base model with 2 dense layers attatched and trained using transfer learning. The training accuracy of this model reached 99%.

Using OpenCV edge detection

We also tried using OpenCV only to detect edges of the object in the center and generate contours. By hard-coding a specific number of contours as the threshold value, we can differentiate between the image of the cube and cylinder by comparing the number of contours generated. But we found this method is much more prone to errors.

Development of the vision system using two approaches edge detection (left) and deep learning model (right).

Color Detection

Another task of SLRC 2024 is to identify the color of the wall infront of the line follower. Only two colors, green and blue, are possible. This could have been easily done with a color sensor module for Arduino. But since we have a camera fixed for the previous task, we implemented this functionality aslo from OpenCV. The code is much simpler and involves using two color masks for green and blue. Finally, the program counts the pixel area of green and blue seperately and outputs the color with the greater pixel area.

Driver Code

You can find all the source code and development files for the project on Github. The final code running on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is included in the file. This file consists of seperate functions get_shape() and get_color() which are called by the Raspberry Pi only when the Arduino Mega sends a request. The file is run instantly after booting up the Raspberry Pi.


When using a webcam connected to the Raspberry Pi 4, use the following code to initialize the camera using OpenCV.

# Start webcam connection
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cap.set(3, 640)
cap.set(4, 480)

The color sensitivty of the color detection code can be adjusted in the following lines. We finetuned these values to adjust to all possible states of lighting to ensure the code works properly.

# Define the range of green and blue colors in HSV color space
green_lower = np.array([35, 50, 50])
green_upper = np.array([85, 255, 255])

blue_lower = np.array([110, 50, 50])
blue_upper = np.array([130, 255, 255])